Happy Valentine’s Day! A few days ago I shared my Degrassi heartbreak (the three ships I liked that never got together). Now I’m going to I rank my top three Degrassi couples of all time. I don’t think I’ve ever done this here, and if so it was forever ago and the rankings have changed a bit.

Instead of rambling on too long about why I love them, I thought it’d be interesting to show video clips of the actual scenes that led me to ship these couples. I’m also curious to know not just your favorite Degrassi ships, but that exact moment you knew you shipped them…leave your story in the comments section below.


Parcy had a pretty rough start. Peter was a jackass making jackass moves, and he’s lucky Darcy even gave him the time of day after his online endeavors. Once it was established that they both had feelings for each other, Peter’s never-ending restitution list and his parents heated feud made it difficult for Parcy to actually spend time together, leading them to keep their relationship a secret.

In the season 6 episode Sunglasses At Night, Peter’s mom found out about Parcy’s relationship and wanted them to split. Peter’s parents also discussed shipping him off to boarding school. “There’s always something in our way,” Peter told Darcy, ready to call it quits. Before walking off, Darcy told him she’d be at their secret spot the next day. “Prove to me you’re not the type to give up,” she said.

And just when Darcy thought she’d lost him, Peter walked through the door. The kid who made a lot of mistakes and also had a lot of things handed to him in life finally had to work for what he wanted, and it put him on the road to being a more mature person in the process.



Drew Torres has to be the most frustrating Degrassi character of all time. Bless his heart because he’s such an idiot. Usually he does something stupid, takes two steps forward by kind of learning from it, then takes ten steps back by doing another stupid thing.

Parcy was my #2 ship for the longest time, until I was sucker punched by Drianca feels near the end of season 12. I immediately fell in love with them after watching the above scene in Zombie. Love him or hate him, the core of Drew Torres from season 12 until he graduated was his total lack of self confidence, and it’s probably one of the most underrated arcs this show has ever done in terms of the theme they were tackling.

Neither characters on the show nor us fans watching it have ever taken Drew seriously. And not a single soul believed in him…except for Bianca.



Sean and Ellie have been my favorite Degrassi couple for what seems like forever. I can’t even tell you how much I love their scene on the rooftop, and it resonates over a decade later in a world where people still long to be accepted. Sean and Ellie were both outcasts and each had their own personal struggles, but they didn’t seem to mind.

Throughout their short history they provided emotional support for each other during tough situations, that is until Sean’s breakdown lead to Sellie breaking up in Back In Black. Knowing what I know now about the show and how relationships are utilized (despite what anyone says, ships receiving significant screentime on Degrassi is generally NOT a good thing), it’s probably for the best that Sellie ended before the show could pound them into the ground with its patented relationship drama.

Posted by Kary


  1. I LOVE DRIANCA TOO THEYRE MY OTP AND I ALSO LOVE PARCY. Drianca is #2 for me Parcy is #4 ZAYA IS #1 for me #3 for me is Crellie. #5 is Semma #6 is Spane #7 is Sparcy #8 is Fimogen #9 is Dolly J #10 is Jatie



  2. I love all three of those ships.. I loved Imogeli too, I rememeber they way Imogen grabbed the back of Eli’s neck and they way he looked at her lips when she returned his pills. The chemistry of Munro & Cris was beautiful and it got ruined but it returned in 11b. I wish the writers cont them but no and you know why. I am still angry how they they broke up Drianca, thats was a stupid reason to break up, especially on Bianca’s part. All in all In my heart I believe all my favorite ships are endgame..



  3. I loved Spinner and Jane. I’m not one for shipping, but these two are my OTP. For the longest time, the writers were pairing Spinner with the stereotypically cute, bouncy cheerleaders. I feel that his relationship with Darcy came from a genuine place, but Spaige and Spanny seemed like such cliched pairings. The writers just took the most prominent male character, who was a doofus, and gave him the high-maintenance, hot girlfriends. But I feel as though he finally met his match with Jane. She was smart and would call him on his b.s., but she was also very low-maintenance (sometimes a little socially dim herself) and could accept his less-than-charming traits. As Jimmy told Spinner,

    “She’s you with breasts.”

    I have trouble imagining what Spinner would have had in common with Manny or Paige outside of their school lives, but I could totally buy his relationship with Jane. At least until the writers decided to turn Jane into a sex kitten in season 9 because heaven forbid a scrappy tomboy be one of the show’s leading ladies…



    1. I don’t really get suckered into getting emotionally invested in Degrassi couples, Jane and Spinner are my forever Degrassi OTP. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of the dumb, illogical cheating storyline and the nonsense of Spemma. In my head, they are married with 2 kids by now :P



  4. 1. Jiberty. They brought out the best in each other and JT was really the only person in Liberty’s life who truly gave a crap about her and made her smile. Her “friends” only cared when it was convenient (though Toby did get better later on, even if it took him a few years). I can’t pinpoint exactly when I started shipping them, but it was obvious from the beginning that they were going to end up together and it was even more obvious that JT developed feelings for Liberty long before “Voices Carry” and only pursued Manny because she was hot and therefore socially acceptable to date. That four years of build-up, among other factors, is why the lack of screentime given to Liberty in the wake of JT’s death will always be so infuriating.

    2. Sperri. This position once belonged to Spane, but I’ve been drawn more and more to Sperri as of late. If you really think about it, Spinner was truly the person in Terri’s life who cared about her the most and treated her with the most kindness. She brought out his sweet side back when he was still a jerk. I think that she would have treated him as more of an equal than Paige or Darcy ever did or Emma ever would have if we would have seen their relationship progress.

    3. Sellie. Kary already explained it all.



  5. Drew is one of those characters where he does everything wrong, and even when he does it right he does it wrong. So I generally loved every ship he was in (except Alli… that wasn’t well worked out). You should probably put a ‘you tried’ sticker on his forehead and it’d be accurate for everything.

    Generally there’s no specific ships I love, but characters in ships I loved. I loved Clare in every trainwreck she was part of, and the same for Imogen, Spinner, Jake, Maya, Miles, Manny, and J.T. I’m pretty sure Lola, Shay, and Tiny will be added to this list when they have a few more romances on their dance card.

    It probably helps I’m not rooting for anyone. More interesting treating all romances like NASCAR.



  6. as far as the newer material goes I actually really liked drew and Bianca together, I thought they were cute, and I was so excited that whole season where they liked each other but he was with catie, and he wanted to protect her from vince, they were adorable.
    but the originals, I like craig and Ashley together and didn’t even mind craig and many together, I loved that drama, and all that and the holday episode is so nostalgic for me, my favorite episode of all time is “holiday” I could rewatch and just feel like I’m 12 again. I love it.
    but my otp without a doubt, the original degrasi couple forever and always is Emma and Sean. They are adorable and will always be the two kids I watched fall in love when I was growing up.



  7. Two words: “Go ahead”.

    Labeled by the fans as the “Sexiest Consent Ever”, when Miles gave the okay to Tristan to kiss him in Thunderstruck, it made me go from a casual fan for the last ten years to a rabid fangirl who’s been running a Triles blog on Tumblr since August 2014. It’s been quite the ride!



  8. For me, gotta be Dinner. Spin and Darcy made a great couple though, like the Titanic they were destined to sink. Now Semma was the all time classic. Spemma, cmon they didn’t even like each other.



  9. Oh and Triles makes me wanna puke. Not hatin, I liked Marco and who ever he was with. And Riley, c’mon, one of the sexiest men on Degrassi ever, but Tristan whines so much and is such a slut. He’ll probably get AIDS as much as he’s messin around with anything with a dick, #justsayin



  10. I have a lot of Degrassi ships so I won’t go into all of them but here’s a few.
    JT/Liberty- When they shared their first kiss in detention. The characters were both at a point where it felt like the timing was right for them. That was also the moment that sort of introduced me to what “shipping” is.

    Eli/Clare- This one has given me a lot of emotions. At times I loved them, other times I was over them but it all started with “you have pretty eyes”.

    Craig/Ashley- When they’re rehearsing for their skit in Kwans class and he says something like “he shouldn’t want to change her, he should like her for who she is.”

    Zig/Maya- It took me a while to get on board with these two because of Tori/Cam and all the stuff that went on that season, but the moment I got on board with them is after Maya breaks down over Cam and they sit by the school and hold hands.



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